Continental Materials Corporati (NYSE AMEX:CUO)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016 | Spotlight
Information Arbitrage (InfoArb) Alert COU Gets Our Attention We first noted bullish commentary in CUO’s Q1 2016 10-Q which prompted us to...
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Continental Materials Corporation operates within two industry groups: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), and construction products. The Company operates through two segments in each of the two industry groups: the Heating and Cooling segment and the Evaporative Cooling segment in the HVAC industry group, and the Concrete, Aggregates and Construction Supplies (CACS) segment and the Door segment in the Construction Products industry group. The Heating and Cooling segment primarily produces and sells gas-fired wall furnaces, console heaters and fan coils. The Evaporative Cooling segment produces and sells primarily evaporative coolers. The Door segment sells hollow metal doors, door frames and related hardware, wood doors, lavatory fixtures and electronic access and security systems. The Company makes sales to general and sub-contractors, government entities and individuals. Concrete, aggregates and construction supplies are also offered from various locations.

Last updated July 18, 2016

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