American Biltrite, Inc. (OTC:ABLT)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 | Web News
Removing ABL from the GeoSpecial List @ $8.54. Added to the GeoSpecial list @ $6.88 on January 8th, 2011...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | Web News
First Quarter Results: WELLESLEY HILLS, Mass American Biltrite Inc. reported its results for the first quarter of 2010 today....
Thursday, March 17, 2011 | Web News
Fourth Quarter Results: Net sales of the continuing operations for the three months ended December 31, 2010 were $51.1 million,...
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AMERICAN BILTRITE INC. operates domestically through two businesses, the Tape Division and K&M Associates L.P.

The Tape Division produces adhesive-coated, pressure-sensitive papers and films used to protect material during handling or storage or to serve as a carrier for transferring decals or die-cut lettering. The Tape Division also produces pressure sensitive tapes and adhesive products used for applications in the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC), footwear, automotive, electrical and electronic industries.

In 1995, ABI acquired a controlling interest in K&M, a designer, supplier and distributor of a wide variety of adult, children’s and specialty items of fashion jewelry and related accessories throughout the U.S. and Canada. In August 2010, ABI, through wholly-owned subsidiaries, acquired the remaining 5.5% limited partner interest, and consequently, owns 100% of K&M as of August 23, 2010. K&M wholesales its products to mass merchandisers, specialty stores and department stores.

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Last updated March 5, 2008

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